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What I Learned from The Pixar Story (Netflix & Disney+)

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

While the movie is geared for people interested in animation/cartoons jobs, I feel like a graphic designer, I can learn from their story. Here are the lessons that stuck out to me and that can travel across all creative professions:

1. What do characters/clients feel and why?

2. People want to be entertained

3. Embrace budget, story, tech limits

4. New movement techniques 2D to 3D can create new problems and solutions

5. Fear of the computer taking jobs, but ultimately it is just a tool. Your brain is your greatest asset

6. Project completions sometimes means firing or being let go

7. Create new texture and art brushes into the computer

8. Use geometric shapes and move objects around to get a different viewpoint

9. Created their own computer/software to get the graphic quality you want

10. Push your limit move from objects to humans

11. When starting, love the new projects.

12. Have faith in your investments

13. Differentiate yourself

14. Have trust and confidence in your teammates

15. Projects don't have to great but show potential to onboard people

16. Face your giants

17. Add fun to your environment

18. Use cameras in unusual places to create new perspectives on individual projects

19. Do not ask others to do something you wouldn't

20. Develop a flow and build ideas off each other when in a team

21. Play your strengths

22. Sometimes, you have to be thrown into the lion's den

23. Some too much freedom can be overwhelming

24. Be open to feedback

25. Expectations grow as you get better

26. Change sparks creativity

27. Audience taste change

28. Respect each other's artforms

29. Embrace your happiness

30. Be patient

31. Keep exploring


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