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3 Types of Websites and What You Need for Maximum Impact

There are 3 types for websites you can build depending on what type of business you are.


1. Informational Websites


Informational websites are for businesses that heavy rely on their in-person experience and branding. Potential clients use these websites to discover the vibe of your business or to research the important info they need to participate.


Goal: To drive foot-traffic to your business.


What to include in an informational website:

  • Home Page

  • About Page

    • Mission Statement

    • Core Values

    • Give Back Programs/Charity Events

  • Photo Gallery

  • Blog

    • News/Current Event Focused

  • Contact Page

    • Location Info

    • Potentially a map or Google Map integration

    • Inquiry Form


Types of business that should use this type of web model:


🎓 Educational Centers/Schools

📷 Photographers

🎗️ Non-Profits or Charities

✈️ Travel & Tourism Agencies

📰 News Media

📢 Public Speakers

⚖️ Lawyers

💼 Corporate Businesses


2. Service-Based Websites


Service-based websites are websites that sell a business’s services. Visitors will be looking for information about how to contact the business, book an appointment, or purchase an educational course or software.


Goal: To increase the number contacts, appointments, or purchases.


What to include in a service-based business website:

  • Home Page

    • Plenty of Call-To-Action Buttons

    • Chat bot

  • About Page

    • Mission Statement

    • Core Values

  • Services Page

    • Description of services and/or features

  • Blog

    • Build industry authority with articles using Google EAT model:

      • E - Expertise

      • A - Authoritativeness

      • T – Trustworthiness

  • FAQ Page

  • Contact Page

    • Trouble Ticket Link or Help Phone Number

    • Location Info (optional)

    • Question-based Form

Types of business that should use this type of web model:

🪮 Salons

☕ Cafés & Restaurants

📧 E-Learning Platforms

☎️ Consulting Firms

💻 Software Products

🏖️ Hotels & Travel Resorts

🩺 Health & Wellness (Dentists Offices, Urgent Cares, etc.)

🏗️ Design Agencies (Graphic, Architecture, Construction, Interior Design)



3. Ecommerce Websites


Ecommerce websites are built as online stores where the visitor becomes a customer.  


Goal: Get visitor to complete the purchase.


What to include in an ecommerce website:

  • Home Page

    • Plenty of Call-To-Action Buttons

      • Walk the visitor through the sales process

  • About Page

    • Mission Statement

    • Core Values

    • Origins of Materials or Manufacturing

  • Products Page

    • Search Bar (applicable for large inventory)

    • Product Description

      • Color Options (for clothes or custom products)

      • Ingredient List (for make-up or food)

    • Private Policy and/or Return Policy

    • Rating/Comments for Testimonials

  • Blog

    • Build industry authority with articles using Google EAT model:

      • E - Expertise

      • A - Authoritativeness

      • T – Trustworthiness

    • Gift Guides

    • New Product Announcements/Improvements

  • Contact Page

    • Trouble Ticket Link or Help Phone Number

    • Location Info (optional)

    • Message Based Form


 Need help with the design of your website. Check out my services.


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